How Much to Build a Porch With Toilet

  1. Judging by the photo, do you think a toilet could fit in there, with a new surrounding of course!
    I'm about to go with a new uPVC porch using Safe Style UK. After the usual sales pitch where he phones his boss to bring the price down etc, they have quoted me £2900.

    I don't know if that's a bit much especially as the foundation is already there but I'm wondering how much more would it cost to get a builder and plumber in to do the job with a toilet instead?

    Are we talking double the money?
    If it's not possible anyway then I'll crack on getting better quotes with the uPVC option.

    Thanks very much and hope you can help.

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  3. Completely off topic so i apologise.
    Any company that gives you a sales pitch like that, the job of that guy is to work out how much money they can get out of you, not how much the job should actually cost.
    Get 3 quotes from actual builders to make sure.
    We had that from Everest, the guy who came seemed to know less about windows than I did, spent age tapping on his laptop, and then halved the quote pretty much one I said no thanks.
    Eventually we went for triple glazed alu faced windows shipped from Denmark for a similar overall cost.
    Good luck with your project!
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  4. Not an awful amount of room there with that door in the centre. Can you measure up and put a rough sketch on here so we can see if its feasible? If it is, I'd be asking for a quote to do it in brick, may not be far off that quote....

    Double glazing salesmen are a nightmare, I mistakenly let Zenith come to quote me about 12 years ago, after repeated phone calls pestering me to let them come to quote. It took me 6 hours to get the bloke out the house, and he only went then after I started turning out the lights to go to bed, not before phoning his boss to angrily tell him he'd 'Wasted his time as the guy only wanted a quote!' :eek: I did tell them on the phone I hadn't got any money but they could come and quote if it meant they left me alone.....

  5. The only good thing about toilets next to front doors, is that you can say "Hang on, nearly finished" when someone rings the door bell. And then when the visitor hears the flush, they know that it won't be long now, just that awkward look when you open the door to deal with next.
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  6. Impossible to say without dimensions.

    Is there scope for moving the inner door left or right?

  7. I knocked on a door once with a delivery. A small child opened the door so I asked if 'Is Mum or dad in?' The child stepped back slightly, and looked to the door on his left, (which I'd quickly worked out was a WC), then looked back at me and said 'My daddy is here. But he's having a poo'. I don't know who was more embarrassed, me or the poor chap, who came to the door a few minutes later after I'd apologised and gone back to the van to wait.....
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  8. That's what I was wondering but don't know if that's generally possible. I guess that would add to the quote but how much?
  9. The depth is okay but from the edge of the house to the door frame it's 88cm.
    I think this might be pushing it. I'd have to have some corner unit of some kind.
    Don't think there's any room to move the door either, even if it was possible.
    Looks like my idea is going down the toilet.

    I take it when you say the quote is not far off for a brick one, that doesn't include the toilet?


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  11. Can I clarify a bit Sprogs, are they quoting £2900 just for the porch; and where do you intend to site the toilet.
  12. I don't know what a brick built one would cost, but nigh on £3k for a plastic box seems bloody steep to me. Internally, whats between the door and the corner of the house? Just the wall?
  13. I think I could certainly get it done cheaper. It seems you can buy a kit for about £1500 (although the quality might not be as good as you get a 10 year guarantee with Safe Style UK) and with the foundation already in place I would assume the labor would be no more than £500?

    There is nothing internally until about 70 cm in where there's a window down the side.

    Just realised, I might be confusing everyone because I'm bouncing off two issues here
    1. Getting a uPVC porch cheaper or rather not getting ripped off.
    2. Getting a toilet installed which would mean having a brick one instead assuming you can't have a toilet with a uPVC porch?

    Apologies for any confusion.

  14. I was thinking of scrapping the uPVC idea at £2900 and go for a brick one instead that has a small toilet but because of where the front door is positioned it now looks unlikely.
  15. If you are serious about the idea, and don't mind spending a bit more possibly to get it done, I'd suggest you look at moving the existing front door slightly to the one side, with a new brick 'box' built on the front, you have a porch/front door one side opposite the repositioned front door, and then the new WC could be incorporated into the other side of the new brick box. Access to the WC would then be from the hallway, through a door adjacent to the new front door opening.
  16. Looking at the pictures, you couldn't fit a toilet in the porch area itself, but you could knock a hole in the wall, and position it half inside the house, and half inside the porch, I assume that there is a suitable drain nearby to pipe the toilet waste in to. A porch that size, shouldn't really cost about £12-1500, and for £3K, you should be able to get the builders to install the toilet, and then add porch area that'sleft.
  17. Then you'd have to build the porch to building regulations for thermal insulation for new habitable space. If you keep the porch and house separate then it's a cludgie.

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How Much to Build a Porch With Toilet


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