What Does Sme Stand for in Texting

In the business world, the acronym "SME" represents the same phrase that it does online. Although the phrase it represents has the same meaning when used on the internet, it is used in a much different context. If you came here looking for the meaning of this term, then rest assured that your search is over. Below you will find the definition of this term, brief details regarding its origin, and some other meanings. Some example conversations have also been supplied for your convenience in order for you to see how the term is used correctly. Furthermore, if it is possible to represent this term using other words that are similar in meaning, you will discover them listed as well.

SME Meaning

What Does SME Mean?

This acronym is most popularly used online and in text messages to stand for the phrase "subject matter expert." The term was first used in business to signify someone who was, in fact, an expert about a particular subject. However, although still used in business, over the years it has become a phrase simply used as an insult.

Origin of SME

Although there is no exact origin information to be found regarding when this acronym or the phrase it represents was first used, where the phrase was first coined can be determined. This term was first used as a business term by the telephone company AT&T. There is no information regarding when or where it started to become more of an insult rather than a legitimate business term.

Other Meanings

Like most other acronyms, this one can also represent many other random phrases, official titles, and other things as well that would be used in more specific scenarios. There are way too many options to list them all here, but some other things that this acronym can represent are "Sony Music Entertainment," "Subject Matter Expertise," "Surface Mining Equipment," "School of Military Engineering," and "Senior Mechanical Engineer."

Conversation Examples

A conversation via text message between two friends.

  • Friend 1: I think you should dump Ryan for cheating on you.
  • Friend 2: Oh, so all of a sudden you are some kind of SME when it comes to my relationships?
  • Friend 1: No, not at all. I just don't want to see you get hurt again and once a cheat, always a cheat.
  • Friend 2: Well, that is your thought process not mine. Butt out! It's really none of your business!

An online conversation between two players online playing a video game.

  • Player 1: Stop trying to tell me what to do! I know what I am doing!
  • Player 2: I have been playing this game longer than you have and all I am trying to do is help. Stop trying to act like you're some kind of SME!
  • Player 1: Just let me figure it out on my own and leave me alone!

Synonyms of SME

There are several words or phrases that you could use in place of this term when using it as an insult. Some other terms you could use include:

  • know-it-all
  • walking encyclopedia
  • smartass

SME Meaning Infographic

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What Does Sme Stand for in Texting

Source: https://7esl.com/sme/#:~:text=SME%20Meaning-,What%20Does%20SME%20Mean%3F,expert%20about%20a%20particular%20subject.

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