what food to eat with antibiotics to [revent upset stomach

Avatar f tn First of all I want to welcome yu to the Hurting management Forum. I'm then glad that you found u.s.! I'thou so very pitiful to hear most your reaction to the antibiotics. I know from personal feel how devastating this can be to you. I have been battling both Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) and Bladder Infections since January. I have been on two different antibiotics and they accept absolutely torn my stomach apart!! Both of them are from the Sulpher (sp?) family.

Avatar m tn My wife was sick for roughly v weeks before she was diagnosed with having a bacterial infection. The dr. gave her a ten day course of ciprofloxacin (500MG twice daily). During this time she got some relief, only is still feeling ill. She has mentioned antibiotics have always made her ill only she hasn't taken whatsoever for 4 days now, and is still feeling quite nauseus and upset stomach on and off throughout the mean solar day (most significantly after eating). She volition try to telephone call her dr.

Avatar m tn Got back from my trip and from the moment I came off the plane I experienced an upset stomach... Woke up the next morning time and had tum pains and a moderate burning sensation when I urinated. The NP (Nurse Proctor) saw me the adjacent morning and did a urine examination for Chlamydia... and gave me 3 days of Cipro. Cipro did the play a joke on but I ended upwards feeling non quite over it and called my doctor..

1103038 tn?1449650320 If on the right upper side information technology could be your gallbladder or dile duct blockage, or the liver, if on lower right , appedix, If the breadbasket itself perhaps an ulcer or tear in the stomach, and if on the left spleen, pancreas. It sounds like you need to get to the ER. Let me know hot it goes. Feel free to bulletin me.

Avatar n tn tin can antibiotics for prostatitis be given in an intramuscular injestion insted of taking them oraly and would this cut down on side effects similar tummy upset please someone answer this question for me it seems difficult to get questions answered here

Avatar m tn Or could postnasal drip cause nausea and upset tummy?

Avatar f tn My concluding period was 5/25 i had sex 6/eight and since the 11th ive been having sore breast and catamenia pains and today after i ate i had to stop eating because i felt like i was gonna throw upwardly and my stomach was upset it felt really weird and it felt similar i took some antibiotics and my stomach got upset because i didn't eat i was having horrible period pains today simply information technology stopped im not due for another ten days

Avatar f tn I took some for the same reason. The only side effects I had was upset stomach and cramps. But that's just me.. Everyone has different side effects.

Avatar f tn It's zero to be too concerned virtually, I had it with my first, they requite yous antibiotics during labor so baby will be fine and information technology'll get away :)

Avatar n tn I suffered exactly the aforementioned and information technology's was my IBS playing up. I was and so worried and had no idea what was going on.I ended up changing my pregnancy vitamins and it worked wonders. I am at present 10 weeks and feeling amazing.

762453 tn?1234365625 m used to getting my upset stomach during the dark but at present this had occured during the day yesterday and this morning. I don't know what to do or call up. Assistance?

Avatar f tn ve had a kinda upset stomach like the feeling you become when you think you take to go number ii and some pressure level in my lower breadbasket and back and I have been going number 2 more then usual and its not that loose or annihilation I'one thousand just wondering if I should be worried? Or I need to talk to my doc near it?

Avatar n tn I had my menses Nov 25-30 and at present I am having a upset breadbasket, nauseas, spotting and information technology has been going on for days. What could this be?

Avatar n tn What is an H. pylori infection and where does one get such a matter?

Avatar f tn 5ng /ml from 9ng /ml) , Indian goose drupe juice 20ml per solar day for vitamin C (Jatashankar warned that this juice is known to cause renal stones, so thinking of stopping it) I am from Bharat and vegetarian, nutrition is rice, Dal (lentil), curd (Indian yogurt), cooked and raw veggies, fruit (assistant, and papaya, and apple). Milk only in tea twice a day. No cheese. Can anyone help in suggesting proper nutrition/supplements? Felt very good between 2 and four months of entecavir.

Avatar f tn Sorry if tmi(dont think anything is on this app though lol) merely I had actually runny diarreah and my stomach was cramping and contracting. I felt like I was going to dice. Once everything was done I felt a lot better and managed to go some rest. I am only 28 weeks, I know it can exist a sign of labor so it was kind of worrying me. Honestly, I hope labor doesn't experience like that considering I felt like I was going to pass out and throw upwards also.

Avatar n tn Where are the pains exactly? I'one thousand having intense stomach pains from the top of my naval to the peak of my tum and they are refrerring it to GERD (Acid Reflux Illness). I'd go encounter your GI and run across if they can do an upper endoscopy on y'all. I'm going in on the 3rd to for i to see if I have GERD or a peptic ulcer. Drink a lot of water and a very bland diet (toast with peanut butter).

1422850 tn?1307364413 r u taking any meds? some tin upset ur stomach.... have u taken a preg exam??

Avatar f tn Howdy im 35 w 4 days and my stomach feels so full like i need to throw upwards and im not constipated im the opposite i go everytime i pee and its not dihareha any suggestions?

Avatar n tn I take had. stomach bug my whole life equally well, mine. got really bad around iii years ago. It Is getting worse and don't know what to do either. Are there some days where the pain is dissimilar or feels similar a. unlike pain in the same area? I don't swallow dairy I don't have a gallbladder anymore and its nevertheless really bad and I have even started questioning living. Do yous take any tea'due south or meds that help at all?

Avatar f tn For the by couple days ive had a upset stomach to the point that its making me vomit. Take or did whatsoever of you ladies experience something similar this far along in your pregnancy?

Avatar n tn This morning I woke up and have had cramping in tum and loose to runny bowels all 24-hour interval and threw up a agglomeration of acid this morning what'south going on I'k 23 5'7 130lbs

Avatar f tn if this is recent and simply been happening for a few days, it could be a stomach issues or nutrient poisoning. They tin last anywhere from ane to 10 days. If its been this mode for more than a week or ii, it could be a new food allergy, peradventure a gallbladder issue like gallstones. Try avoiding fat foods and dairy. Eat soup, steamed veggies, steamed chicken, and things similar that that are easy to digest. see if that helps.


Source: https://healthquestions.medhelp.org/antibiotics-and-stomach-upset

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